Camp Mowglis Lingo

Camp Mowglis Lingo

A beach and swimming area used by the Cubs.

Baloo Cove

A period of time every day in which dorms are swept, beds are made, bureaus are tidied, and contraband is carefully concealed; a quarter will bounce nicely on a properly made Mowglis bed, and everything has its place in a properly organized Mowglis bureau.

The large rock overlooking the campfire circle on which the director sits.

The Senior Staff member responsible for overseeing the camp’s long and storied crew program.

Crew Coach Leads the Parade on Crew Day

A set of chores performed by campers every day to keep the camp functioning at its best; duty assignments rotate frequently and are posted on the Duty Board. Since some duties are quite a bit better than others, cries of despair or relief are often heard in front of the Duty Board.

Awarded for proficiency in archery.

The formal dinner held each year at the end of the season in the Jungle House for graduates. Each graduate is “toasted” by one of the Senior Staff members, during which creative and usually hilarious song and verse are employed to recap that graduate’s Mowglis career.

A silver medal awarded to each member of the Den who successfully completes the rigorous requirements for Mowglis graduation, a much-prized symbol of achievement that many graduates treasure for the rest of their lives.

The large hall containing the camp auditorium, store , library, and office; the focal point of camp life on rainy days.

Grey Brothers Hall

A period of time on Sundays when boys from each dorm are called to the Red Cross House to be weighed and measured. Fun in bathrobes.

The ring of campfire chairs closest to the fire, occupied by those who have earned at least four ribbons.  Once inducted into the Inner Circle, members retain the privilege of occupying a chair in the circle for life.

Inner Circle Ceremony

A much sought-after accolade awarded to whichever dorm is judged to be tidiest during that day’s inspection. Any dorm industrious enough to earn 10 inspection points is rewarded with a treat.

Inspection Point

A period of time immediately following clean up in which the housekeeping efforts of campers are scrutinized.  No dust-bunny, contraband or mis-folded clothing  escapes the harsh glare of the inspectors’ flashlights.

The camp’s administrative offices. The Dining Hall is attached to the back side of the Jungle House.

A day in which the Regular Mowglis Day schedule is set aside and campers get to do whatever they like. Like a lunar eclipse, they are rare and special.

The camp infirmary, where sick campers go to recuperate and receive care from the camp nurse.

The Lodge - The Nurse's Cabin

Toilets and showers (a.k.a. the bath house).

A day in which the standard schedule of duties, industries, and other regular activities applies; the opposite of Lazy Day.

A period immediately after lunch in which campers take to their beds for a nap or some quiet time, with no talking allowed!

The loudest and most jarring of bugle calls that signals the beginning of a new Mowglis day.

Counselors of college age or older, responsible for the day-to-day supervision of campers and camp activities, historically a very diverse and talented group of educators drawn from all over the world.

A period set aside for campers to enjoy a swim in the pristine waters of Newfound Lake; a voluntary endeavor, unlike the dreaded Instructional Swim.


Those campers who have drawn the duty of setting and cleaning their dorms’ tables and obtaining and serving food from the kitchen during the course of the meal.  Unlike other duties, this one rotates daily.

Table Boys at Camp Mowglis

The bugle call that signals the end of the Mowglis day.

Taps at Camp Mowglis

While not strictly unique to Mowglis, a rather unusual sport in which two players face off on a round court and try to hit a ball that is tethered to the top of a high, centrally located pole by a string past their opponent. Victory is achieved by hitting the ball past your opponent so many times that the string wraps all the way around the pole. While the concept is simple, the execution is not and tetherball champions are much admired.

That day of the week in which the whole camp heads into the mountains to enjoy a variety of hikes or river trips, rain or shine, usually Thursdays.

The Senior Staff member responsible for organizing and leading all Mowglis trips; an exalted position that has been held over the years by many legendary Mowglis Men.

A very large, submerged rock located off of Cub Point, a rallying point for many waterfront activities; the halfway mark for swimmers hoping to earn their “Full Waingunga” swimming credential.

The waterfront equivalent of the Tripmaster, a Senior Staff member responsible for organizing and supervising all activities at the waterfront. This exalted position that has been held over the years by many legendary Mowglis Men.


The name of the award given every so often at the end of a season to one extraordinary camper who achieves all the trip-related ribbons and proves himself to be an exceptional Mowglis Man in both achievement and character.