New Hampshire Summer leadership camp for boys age 15 years old

The Camp Mowglis Yearling Program

The Yearling program is a four-week leadership development experience designed for Mowglis graduates who are looking for an adventure leadership program. Mowglis is a place for boys to transition into men and the Yearling program builds on the skills boys learn as campers and applies those skills in the real world.

Applicants should be interested in fun, fast-paced, and challenging outdoor activities and desire to understand the natural world around them. Yearlings is an outward-bound program, and participants will spend much of their time outside the Mowglis campgrounds. This is a growth opportunity for graduates before being invited back as Junior Staff.

Activities include, but aren’t limited to, the following:

  • A backpacking section teaching trip planning, leadership, and team building.
  • Helping plan and lead hiking/camping trips for younger campers.
  • Community service projects including: trail clearing, helping at the Hebron fair, chopping and splitting wood to donate to local elderly.
  • A 2-day Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and CPR class instructed by Solo Wilderness Medicine.
  • A 4-day whitewater kayaking class taught by Zoar Outdoors at Zoar Gap on the Deerfield River.

Please call 603-744-8095 or contact us online for more information on this exciting leadership development program.

You can download the Yearling Packing List here.

Junior Staff Program

After the Yearling summer, young men may be invited back to join the Junior Staff. During this summer, JS takes on more responsibility with industries, working on building their skills as instructors. They also assist the chef and kitchen staff. While learning new skills, the JS focus on group dynamics and how to keep campers active and involved. There is a bond between Junior Staff and campers, and the JS are role models for the younger boys. Learning how to engage campers in fun activities is a primary focus as they help each boy to have a great camper experience. This specialized program helps to identify young men with the potential to develop into strong senior staff members, as well as strong members of communities beyond Newfound Lake.

Please call 603-744-8095 or contact us online for more information on becoming part of the Junior Staff.

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