Highlights from Our 2021 Season – Panther, Boys Age 13

This year’s Panther teens were thrilled to return to Mowglis summer camp for boys in New Hampshire after a trying 2020, looking to unwind outdoors with fellow Pack members and immerse themselves in camping activities. What were some of their favorite 2021 camping season memories?

Scary Stories and Silly Shenanigans at Boys Summer Camp

The Panther boys looked forward to scarier stories from Mr. Gulitti this year. They were also immensely proud to hit their goal of 20 inspection points, having a lot of fun after their achievement with a ‘creative bed-making art show.’

“Each person made their bed in an amusingly unorthodox way. Some simply flipped their beds around with the pillow facing the hall. Others made the bed sheets sideways and won the award for the most uncomfortable bed. Another was a large crib. I removed my bed frame and put my mattress on the floor. Everyone had a good laugh after inspection.”

–Denton, Somerville, MA

Hiking Adventures at Mowglis Boys’ Overnight Camp

The boys enjoyed several hikes and day trips this year. They experienced the joy of helping others when Mr. Mac helped two people stuck on the Notch and Arm and were extremely grateful for the rain-free weather on their Mahoosucs trek.

“We went to Wellington Beach. It took a while to get there. We thought there was a leak in the blue war canoe, which I was in. My shoes got really wet. We went fast on the way there, but on the way back, we gave up, arriving during soak, the pre-dinner swim. We hiked Little Sugarloaf and Big Sugarloaf. The PJ 1V1 was amazing, a truly historical event.”

–Spencer, Abuja, Nigeria 

Looking Forward to the Upcoming 2022 Boys Overnight Camp Program

Panther members reveled in the fun and adventure of this camping season. The summer went by in a flash, leaving the teens lamenting the loss of their friends and fun camp activities till the next season.

“It has definitely been the fastest summer I have been here by far. It’s crazy how we won’t see our friends for a year! At least our dorm hit our goal of 20 inspection points.”

–Ollie, Jersey City, NJ

Don’t Miss Fun and Adventure at Mowglis Sleepaway Camp for Boys in 2022

Contact us today at 603-744-8095 and reserve your spot for the 2022 camping season. Don’t wait – openings are filling fast.

Connect with Nick

Nick Robbins

Director of Camp Mowglis

[email protected]

(603) 744-8095