The holiday break season is upon us. In the days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas, prevent your son from turning into a turkey-stuffed technology zombie. Help him unplug and enjoy the benefits of time spent outdoors, suggesting a few of these fun activities for boys during winter break from Mowglis summer camp for boys.

Benefits of Playing Outdoors in Cold Weather

Daily fresh air and sunshine are good for your kids, even when the weather is cold. Time spent outdoors reduces exposure to indoor germs, and soaking up Vitamin D through sunshine boosts the immune system. Physical activity and enjoying time in nature lower heart rate and blood pressure, boost mood, and improve sleep—a recipe for a truly merry holiday season.

Gear Up for Winter Fun

As Mowglis overnight camp program staff know, the right clothing makes all the difference. Dressing in layers ensures your son can stay warm and adjust his clothing for comfort as his activity level increases. A jacket, pants, and quality footwear, including waterproof gear when playing in the snow, are recommended, as well as winter gloves, a hat, and a scarf. Don’t forget sunscreen for protection against bright, reflective, snow-covered surfaces. Adult supervision is also a must, especially in frigid conditions and during riskier outdoor activities like sledding and snowball fights.

Jump Into these Fun Cold Weather Activities for Kids On Holiday Break

Winter obstacle course

Dig out a few pool noodles, hula hoops, soccer cones, and other items from the garage, working as a team to build an obstacle course to jump over, into, or through.

Local playground

No yard – no problem. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a nearby playground. Just be mindful to check for (and clear) ice before the adventure begins.

Family hike

Gear up, pack a snack, and make a checklist of animal tracks, trees, and views you hope to encounter on your hiking trip.

Tree bark rubbings

Grab some crayons and paper, make rubbings of various trees, and compare bark patterns between species.

Snow creatures

Stimulates children’s imagination and creativity, building a classic snowman, cute snow animal, or an imaginary creature.

Snow fort

Build a snow fort (or two) to use as a home base for a neighborhood snowball fight.

Snow sledding or tubing

This classically fun winter activity brings squeals of delight to even the most hard-to-please children.

Snow golf

Grab a golf club and ball or improvise with a hockey stick. Create a fairway and green, including more than one if you have the space. Dig and mark holes with flags. Integrate a couple of creative hazards, like hills or ‘snow traps.

Snow dodgeball

Fill buckets with ammunition and split into two teams. Get hit, and you’re out. Catch a snowball from the opposing team, and you’re back in.

Ice skating

Nothing beats gliding (or sliding) around an outdoor ice rink or pond in the chilly winter air.

Looking for Something New to Do Outdoors?

Don’t stop at activities for boys during winter break – ensure your son is healthy and active year-round. Make reservations for a summer of lakeside fun at Camp Mowglis before spaces fill. Contact us at 603-744-8095 today.

Connect with Nick

Nick Robbins

Director of Camp Mowglis

[email protected]

(603) 744-8095