It’s that cold, dreary time of the year again. When winter feels endless, and your children are bouncing off the walls, feeling cooped up with no way to release their pent-up energy. Fortunately, the colder weather doesn’t mean you can’t send your kids outside for a bit of outdoor fun and fresh air. Bundle them up and send them outside to play some outdoor games boys love in the winter. Take a page out of our summer camp playbook, helping your children stretch their bodies and minds with these fun outdoor activities.

Snow-Centric Games Boys Love in the Winter

Give your child a reason to get away from the screen and go outdoors with these games, which are sure to get your child moving on a bright winter’s day.

Fair Weather Fun

No snow? No problem! There are still lots of fun things your child can do outside in the cold.

Are your kids ready for a change from outdoor games boys love in the winter to spring and summer fun in the sun?  Don’t let your son miss out on the joy of outdoor activities at Camp

Connect with Nick

Nick Robbins

Director of Camp Mowglis

[email protected]

(603) 744-8095